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Many of the following laws, from the fifty states,
go back to horse and buggy days. No one ever
bothered to erase them from the books. So take heed!

   The courts of Los Angeles ruled
that the weeping of a woman on the
witness stand is not misconduct.

   It is illegal to roller skate down
a street in Quincy, Massachusetts.

   In Rockville, Maryland, it is against
the law to push baby carriages down a
sidewalk two abreast.

   A Los Angeles law forbids the feeding
of pigeons in Pershing Square.

   There is a law in the state of New Hampshire
against pawning the clothes off your back.

   In Rochester, Michigan, anyone bathing
in public must first have his swimsuit
inspected by a police officer.

   A man may not wear a goatee in the state of
Massachusetts unless he pays a fee or tax.

   In New Jersey it's against
the law to slurp your soup.

   In Nicholas County, West Virginia, no clergyman
shall tell a funny story from the pulpit.

   It is illegal to hunt or shoot camels in Arizona.

   A Lake Charles, Louisiana, law makes it illegal to let a rain
puddle remain in your front yard for more than twelve hours.

   In Vermont, it is illegal to whistle underwater.

   In Kansas, it's against the law for eating places
to serve ice cream on cherry pie.

   In Portland, Maine, it is illegal to tickle a girl
under the chin with a feather duster.

   In Oregon, a dead juror cannot serve on a jury. It's the law.

   It's illegal to sell buttermilk on
the sabbath in Springfield, Missouri.

   In Compton, Califorina, dancing cheek-to-cheek is prohibited.

   Beanshooters are prohibited by law in Arkansas.
Any person found using a beanshooter or similar
implement shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.

   In Norfolk, Virginia, horses may not be ridden
in the waters of Chesapeake Bay.

   Gloversville, New York, prohibits women
wrestlers from appearing in the city.

   The use of motor boats on the city's streets
is against a local ordiance in Brewton, Alabama.

   It is against the law in Pueblo, Colorado,
to raise or permit a dandelion to grow within the city limits.

   In Los Angeles a customer of a meat market is prohibited by
city ordinance from poking a turkey to see how tender it is.

   In Ohio if you ignore an orator on Decoration Day to such an
extent as to publicly play croquet or pitch horseshoes within
one mile of the speakers' stand, you can be fined $25.

   In Springfield, Massachusetts, it is aginst
the law to ride on the roof of an automobile.

   In Hanford, California, people may not interfere
with children jumping over water puddles.

   An Ohio law makes it a felony for an
instructor of roller-skating to seduce a female pupil.

   In Walden, New York, it is illegal to give a
drink of water to anyone unless you have a permit.

   It is against the law in Illinois for a
conductor to collect fares without his hat on.

   In Branford, Connecticut, it's the law that all people must be
covered from shoulder to knee before appearing on any street.

   It is against the law to slap a man on the back in Georgia.

   There is a Delaware state law requiring all aviators flying
over large bodies of water to carry food and drink.

   All taxicabs must carry a broom and shovel
in the District of Columbia.

   In McDonald, Ohio, it is unlawful to march
your goose down the main street.

   In Key West, Florida, turtle racing is
prohibited within the city limits.

   It is unlawful for a man or a woman to go
unshaven in Carrizozo, New Mexico.

   In Cleveland it is unlawful for more than two
people to drink out of the same whiskey bottle.

   A Kansas game rule prohibits the
use of mules in hunting ducks.

   A Fort Madison, Iowa, law requires the fire department to
practice for fifteen minutes before attending a fire.

   It shall be unlawful to operate a machine with ice picks fitted
to the wheels over the roads of Whitehall, Montana.

   It's against the law to gargle in public in Louisiana.

   Rochester, New York, firemen on duty must wear ties.

   In Wessington, South Dakota, no ungentlemanly or
personally offensive language shall be used to the mayor.

   In Kentucky it is illegal to sleep in a restaurant.

   It is against the law in Omaha for a policeman to
appear in uniform with his hands in his pockets.

   Hattiesburg, Mississippi, forbids one to swing on
or hang signs across the sidewalks of the city.

   In California a housewife may go to prison if
she doesn't cook her dusting cloth after using it.

   Residents of Chicago are required to
keep fire buckets in their front halls.

   In Elko, Nevada, no one shall walk
upon the street without wearing a mask.

   A Colorado law forbids the serving of
food in a room used for any other purpose.

   Undertakers are prohibited from giving away
books of matches in Shreveport, Louisiana.

   In Texas, a person may not milk
any cow that is not his own.

   A South Carolina state law forbids people to
crawl around in the public sewers without a
written permit from the "proper authorities."

   In Midford, Oregon, it is against the law
to leave a cellar door open.

   New York City law say that it is a crime
to have a deck of playing cards in an apartment
located within a mile's radius of the armory.

   In St. Louis, Missouri, it is unlawful for
milkmen to run while on duty.

   It is forbidden to cut the tail of any
horse in the District of Columbia.

   It is against the law in Albuquerque, New Mexico,
for hackmen to reach out and pull
prospective passengers into the cab.

   The town of Star, Mississippi, has a law prohibiting
anyone from ridiculing the public architecture.

   An Omaha ordinance forbids the use of the same
finger bowl by different people at the same time.